What is SOCIAL PRACTICE ART? Can Art hold a purpose? YES
My kitten photography portfolio is primarily of kittens I fostered, along with kittens/cats I volunteered to photograph for adoption purposes (their profile pic for their adoption page). My family and I cared specifically for the tiny baby bottle kittens, also known as neonatal kittens. Neonatal kittens need special care with weight checks and bottle feedings every few hours. We saw them grow: learning how to eat, walk, play and more. We were their mom until they were adopted at 8–10 weeks of age. It was hard to say goodbye, but we knew when they left our home, we would have space to save more. The kittens always got adopted, and received multiple online applications within days of posting their cute little photos. The photography was key to getting these rescue animals adopted quickly, and so it began this way – donating my photography skills helped many homeless pets get adopted and tripled adoptions, however to affect social change, something must be done on a larger scale.
It is very important that community members understand the animal intake procedures at county shelters and advocate to stop the antiquated euthanasia system that is still being used in many county shelters nationwide. According to the Humane Society of the US, “… 750,000 healthy and safe cats and dogs are euthanized annually” (https://humanepro.org/page/pets-by-the-numbers). Over 2000 healthy pets are euthanized every day – 86 pets every hour.
How can my photos of rescue kittens help a greater cause and have an affect on social change? I realize to affect social change is a group effort that can not possibly be accomplished by one. The best we can do is build awareness to get support – working together in partnerships to facilitate change. Let’s work together and be partners on this! I would love to hear your ideas on how we can make an impact on the world to affect social change for homeless rescue animals. Please contact me! Kelly Richardson
Visit the National Kitten Coalition To learn more about the care and support of Neonatal Kittens.